Feelings Pumpkins Halloween Activity For Preschoolers

Three to five years old can definitely be a challenging time for big emotions in toddlers and preschoolers. The “Feelings Pumpkins” Halloween Activity is a hands on way to practice “name it to tame it” which allows our kids to demystify the big feelings they may be experiencing.

[RELATED] How Can I Help My Child With Big Feelings? 3 Emotional Play Activities + Examples

There's a done for your version of this in the Halloween activity bundle below or you can DIY it! Both instructions you can find below!


Click here to grab the Halloween Activity Sheet Bundle complete with over 27 more activities for toddlers + preschoolers!

More Halloween Activities for Preschoolers + Toddlers 2022:

Feelings Pumpkins Halloween Activity:




Version 1: Predone

Using the Halloween activity sheet bundle you can simply print this activity out, cut the shapes (or have your toddler cut them). Have your child paste the shapes into a jack-o-lantern face that matches the feeling labeled on the sheet.

In the activity sheet bundle there's an “extend the play” activity where your preschooler can draw the different emotions onto the faces. I like to give this after to further solidify what they just learned.

Feelings Pumpkins is a simple Halloween Activity for preschoolers working fine motor skills, emotional - social learning, spatial relationships, and more!

Version 2: DIY

Using colored construction paper, you'll cut out pumpkin shapes and various pieces to make different different emotions.

For instance, cut a crescent moon shape for a smile and some triangles for eyes and a nose on your jack-o-lantern to make a happy face.

A quick and easy, low mess Halloween Activity for preschoolers: feelings pumpkins! Teaching social - emotional intelligence while working fine motor skills, language development, and more!

In sum…

The toddler and preschool years are full of big emotions. This activity is just one way to help your kiddo make sense of feelings. Be sure to check out: How Can I Help My Child With Big Feelings? 3 Emotional Play Activities + Examples for more ideas!

This Halloween activity works fine motor skills, concentration, spatial relations, language, and social/emotional intelligence! Even better? It's super low mess and easy clean up!


Click here to grab the Halloween Activity Sheet Bundle complete with over 27 more activities for toddlers + preschoolers!