Feed The Bunny: Fun Fine Motor Activity For Toddlers This Spring

Who doesn't love rabbit activities in the Spring? And “feed the bunny” is the perfect fun fine motor activity for toddlers to do on Easter or all Spring long!

I was inspired by the updated Babbler playkit from Lovevery – where they had a fine motor “carrot” box – and decided to recreate it with an Easter Bunny theme! This takes about 10 minutes to make the first time, then set up and clean up can be done in under 30 seconds moving forward! Below you'll find my tips/mistakes in making this, how my toddler enjoyed it, where to find the supplies – and if you aren't crafty, where to shop similar fine motor toys!

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Step 1: Choosing your bunny base…

You have a couple of options here. You can either use a coffee tin, cereal box, shoe box, or something similar. The key is to consider the size of the carrots you're using and how you'd like to see your child play with this.

For instance, if you want this to be an object permanence activity where your toddler drops the carrots totally into the bunny's mouth and it disappears, consider a deep box or coffee tin.

Keep in mind, depending on your child's age, you may need to “reset” this by taking the carrots out for them.

If you do use a cereal box, you may need to create some sort of pillar inside to make it sturdier. Otherwise, when your toddler goes to push the carrot in, it may bend/have too much give to really work.

I did a cereal box and just used the inner tube (like paper towel roll) from the white butcher paper roll as pillars inside of the box to support the weaker areas.

Step 2: Create your bunny

Whichever container you choose, cover it in white butcher paper, draw on your bunny face. For the mouth, I suggest using a pencil to trace the circumference of your carrot, then cut that out. This will make it so your toddler needs to use a little force/precision in feeding the bunny.

NOTE: The more your toddler pushes the carrot through the “mouth” the wider it gets over time. So don't stress if it's a little challenging at first. Just make sure you can get the carrot through when making your box so you know it works.

"Feed The Bunny" Game is a fun fine motor activity for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, and 3 year olds to enjoy at home! Parents will LOVE it because it's no mess, easy clean up (under 5 seconds) AND you can do it indoors on a rainy spring day! Learn how to play here!

Set up and clean up time for “Feed The Bunny” Game:

This takes about 10 minutes to set up the first time since you need to create the object permanence box. After that though, it takes 30 seconds to set up and clean up. I just gave my daughter the box and a basket of these carrots I found at the Dollar Tree. You can also use these carrots on Amazon.

How my toddler (2 year old) enjoyed this activity:

She LOVED it! She played with it for about 45 minutes the first time, then another half hour that afternoon. We've had it in her playroom for about a week now and she's taken it out almost daily. I love it because she literally cleans it up when she's done since it's just putting the carrots back in their basket.

If you don't feel like crafting this item, you can order the toy I was inspired by from Lovevery here – or you can get a dupe for it from Amazon here! All options are a fun fine motor activity for your toddler this Spring!

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Easy Feed The Bunny Game for toddlers! This is the perfect fine motor activity to do indoors at home this spring! No mess, quick set up, and highly engaging for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, and 3 year olds!