10 Signs it’s time to quit your job

10 signs it's time to quit your job,  When you are in the wrong job, not only is it a major mood killer but it can also take a toll on your mental state, health, and overall well-being. I am a firm believer in sticking things through, including sticking through a not-so-desirable job if you are learning, and it means a possible opportunity to something you really want to do in your life. But there is an exception to that belief. Sometimes, a work environment is just toxic, or it could be that you are not the right person for the job. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s just time to move on. Here are ten signs it is time for you to quit your job.- The Confused Millennial

If you are contemplating quitting your job, let me first say I know how ya feel. When you are in the wrong job, not only is it a major mood killer but it can also take a toll on your mental state, health, and overall well-being. I am a firm believer in sticking things through, including sticking through a not-so-desirable job if you are learning, and it means a possible opportunity to something you really want to do in your life. But there is an exception to that belief. Sometimes, a work environment is just toxic, or it could be that you are not the right person for the job at hand. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s just time to move on. Here I tackle some of the key signs you recognize when it is due time for you to quit your job.



This is not a deal breaker for many, depending on the moral at hand. But there are some morals that are more difficult to deal with. A good example is if you found out your company was conducting some shady practices, such as stealing or cheating on reviews. If this is something that does not sit well with you, then this is probably a good indicator that it is time to move on to greener pastures. If you work for a company that is stealing from their customers, think about their ethics when it comes to paying their employees. Chances are, that those same foul practices seep into other areas of their business. This is an extreme example, but another item that could rub you the wrong way could be as simple as not offering paid leave to some employees but offering it to others.



If you feel like you are not able to bring any of the skills that make you, you to the job, chances are you are probably in the wrong job. Sure it is great to be good at Microsoft Excel, be able to analyze reports, and schedule events on a calendar. However, if you are a creative person and are not able to express your creativity in any way, this is probably not the best place for you to be to express all of your abilities. If you do not know what your personal skills are, a great test to take is the Strengths Finder test*. It’s a book that details every natural ability one can have. Every book comes with a code that you use to take the test online. Once you take the test, it tells you what your natural abilities are. I love it, and after taking it, my feelings about previous positions I have held made a lot more sense.




If you are bored in your role this is probably a sign that you are not challenged enough, or it could be that you have no interest in the work you are doing there. Whichever the reason, it ain’t good and I believe is a great indicator that it is time to leave your place of work. If you feel this way, look for a role where you can have a mentor of your own, or one that gives you the opportunity to work on projects you will get excited for.



Everyone has different motivators for the work they do. For many, it is simply  being recognized for the hard work you do. This could mean hearing a “good job” from time to time, being recognized in front of your peers, or getting a monetary bonus. Whatever your incentive, being recognized for a job well done is a great way to stay motivated, and without it, it is easy to become burned out.



I know this one is a deal breaker for many Millennials since we really value our work-life balance. If you are passionate about your work then this is something you probably do without even thinking about it. However, if you are counting the hours until you can leave your job, only to be disrupted by work at home, chances are you are more than ready to leave your job for good. Just know that working when you are not on the clock should not be a requirement.




This is a big one because you spend most of your day at your job. If you do not like the people you are around, I can understand why you wouldn’t want to be there. In these cases, I find it best to try to work out whatever issues you may have with someone or avoid them if you can. If not, being around a co-worker you cannot stand can be miserable. Ask yourself: What is it you do not like about this person? See if it is something you can get past. Even if you cannot, I do not feel like this should be the sole reason for you to leave your job, unless of course the person you do not get along with is your supervisor in which case, this could really be a deal breaker. This leads me to my next point…



Believe it or not, a Gallup poll of more than 1 million people employed in the U.S. concluded that the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. There are a lot of factors that can go into a bad boss. It can be someone who is mean, rude, incompetent, or simply just not good at communicating with others. What makes it difficult for you to really succeed in the workplace is if your boss does not trust you. If your boss does not trust you, they are more likely to not promote you or entrust you with any independence in your role. The best way to try to gain your boss’s trust is to work hard and prove your worth, and if you still have issues here have a sit down with them and ask what you can do to be successful in your role. If there is still no success here, then I think it is probably best to consider to leaving your job.



Millennials often run into this more often than their older peers simply because they do not know any better. We often work hard to prove ourselves in order to move up. If you are in a role where your responsibilities are increasing but your pay is not, then it’s time to either ask for a raise or get to stepping. Don’t let someone take advantage of your work ethic. There are plenty of other jobs out there that are willing to pay you more for your hard work.



Daydreaming is normal, but when you are dreaming about getting sick, getting into a car accident, or a Zombie apocalypse when at work, chances are you really hate your job. You would rather be in a bad situation just to break up the monotony of going to work. If you have reached this point already, you are long overdue for a job change.



This to me is the most important reason to leave a job, especially if you agree with any of the other reasons above. Everyone has had a sucky job at one point in time, but if it is not going to take you where you want to be, what’s the point? If you feel you are not learning anything and you can’t advance, go somewhere where they will move you up the ladder until you are where you want to be!

I hope this was helpful and also want to point out that everyone’s experiences are different so there are plenty of other signs that I may not have mentioned. If you need that final push on if you should leave your job or not I want to share a passage from one of my favorite books, The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris*.

“For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it “eventually,” just do it and correct course along the way.”
― Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek*

**This article contains affiliate links, and we will make a little coin if you purchase from these links. Don't worry we only link to products we love and support! 

Ready to look for a new job? Grab TCM's Job search checklist!


Read the original article in Miss Millennia Magazine. Copyright 2016. Miss Millennia Magazine is an online Lifestyle ezine for women in their 20’s and 30’s who are transitioning into adulthood. Follow Miss Millennia Magazine on Twitter and Instagram.missmillmag

by Jasmine Watts, Editor-in-Chief at Miss Millennia Magazine. I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

39 thoughts on “10 Signs it’s time to quit your job”

  1. Momma Wants Java

    This is great advice. It all boils down to whether or not you’re happy. If your job is adding no fulfillment to your life, it’s time to move on and find something else.

  2. Girl, preach. I hear ya. Oh wait, I may or may not be in that boat. Thank you for this!

  3. Wendy Tomlinson

    I’ve always had a rule whether in business or as an employee. If I feel like I’m regularly not enjoying my work, it’s time for a change. In recent years this has meant a change of focus within my business.

    I personally feel that I can only give my best if I am enjoying my work.

  4. SiennyLoves Drawing

    Your sharing here is so true! Personally I am agreeing to 7 & 8, really wish 1 day I can quit my job and pursue my art passion on full time ☺️? Cheers,SiennyLovesDrawing

  5. I’m in a love/hate relationship with my job. I can relate to some of these but particularly #3. I’m only part time but everyone jokes that I’m the "part time person doing a full time workload." Which is really not much of a joke at all. I know a lot of it is because of budget and they can’t hire anyone else or make me full time but it’s definitely the biggest incentive to look elsewhere.

    1. Haha aren’t so many of us! Yeah it’s so unfortunate how part-time employees really end up being full time in today’s day with constant contact via our phones… don’t forget to set limits and advocate for yourself!

  6. ugh, I know know KNOW it’s time for me to do this, which is the worst. Unfortunately I can’t quit without a safety net JUST yet… but soon… because I am stagnating like crazy with no growth and day dreaming about shark attacks at my desk.

    At least I love my coworkers and believe in my company, so that’s the positive thing!
    Laura @ http://www.cookwineandthinker.com

    1. Thats a huge win Laura! Finding a company you can get behind is one of the biggest complaints I hear as a career coach! Definitely a nice life preserver to have! I saved up 6 months of money I felt comfortable pulling from with my emergency fund while launching my business, it was the exact safety net I needed. Hope you get some clarity!

  7. I love this! I have been contemplating leaving my job for awhile now. I have been sticking it out and telling myself things will get better; however, I day dream of doing far better things than my job.

  8. I’ve read so many good things about that book and I really want to check it out. I am very iffy about my job right now and hope that once I get my biz off the ground I can quit it for good.

  9. Brittany Bergman

    These are excellent tips, Rachel! It’s so hard to be objective about making a job change, but these are definitely tell-tale signs that it’s time to move on. I’m especially big on the one about doing work when you’re not at work. That’s exactly why I left my previous job in education!

  10. This was such an interesting read and you make some great points. You’re totally right about everything, and if you’re experiencing any of these it’s probably time to make a change. I think a lot of stuff like this people experience but try not to think much about, especially in a time where job security can mean everything.

  11. Great points! Definitely time for a change if you’re really unhappy. On the positive side, it’s nice to be somewhere and learn about what you don’t want to do/narrow down to what you are interested in. I had to try a few jobs that weren’t right for me before coming to my current one I love!

    x Sarah

  12. All of these points are SO true! I wish it was easier to quit a job that isn’t good for you, but it’s SO hard!

  13. Macarena Ferreira

    So glad I stumbled upon your blog! Love the name of it haha. Anyways, this is such great advice! Nothing is worse than feeling stuck. I, myself, just started taking online classes to get on a new career path!

    xo // http://www.thematerialgirl.co

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