Inspiring Millennial Series: Sami Kattan of Nomad’s Land

 In this vlog Sami Kattan of Nomad's Land shares how he makes a living as a digital nomad. Sami share's how he launched his business, the struggles of early entrepreneurship, and his advice to the multi-passionate millennial. Check out this week's episode of The Confused Millennial's vlog series, "Inspiring Millennials".


I am beyond excited for this interview! I met Sami while at the University of Florida. We used to bond over our love of cooking and community while hosting little dinner parties at my apartment.

After college we lost touch and then I stumbled upon him on Instagram and knew I needed to interview him! Since college, Sami has been traveling all over the world and building multiple businesses. He is a talented and skilled videographer and has worked to blend his creative self with his business mind (for any creativepreneurs out there you know that struggle is real!).

SPOILER ALERT: he got his start with videography after hitch hiking a ride on Craigslist to Mexico, where he lived in a hammock on the beach!

Seriously you have got to hear his story! He also gives a lot of great and relatable advice to budding entrepreneurs!

Make sure to connect with Sami on:
– Facebook
– Sami's website
– Nomad's Land website

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28 thoughts on “Inspiring Millennial Series: Sami Kattan of Nomad’s Land”

  1. Can’t wait to watch this interview! His life sounds so interesting! Living in a hammock.. What?!

  2. That is so awesome that you got to reconnect with a friend from college. And wow, he has quite the story!

  3. Wow, he is so talented. I’m glad you re-shared this interview, otherwise I would have missed it.

  4. Shaguna & Kaylee

    omg he’s so cool and interesting
    <a href=“”>gold&hearts</a>

  5. Shaguna & Kaylee

    omg he’s so cool and interesting
    <a href=“”>gold&hearts</a>

  6. Shaguna & Kaylee

    omg he’s so cool and interesting
    <a href=“”>gold&hearts</a>

  7. Shaguna & Kaylee

    omg he’s so cool and interesting
    <a href=“”>gold&hearts</a>

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