Pumpkin Bath: Easy Toddler Activity For Halloween Or Fall

pumpkin bath toddler acitivity halloween fall

Looking for an EASY toddler activity to do this Halloween or Fall with your toddler? Set up a pumpkin bath for your toddler to stay entertained at home! This is a great montessori inspired toddler activity, rooted in real life skill development.

You can do this in a sensory bin in the backyard, in the bathtub, or in the kitchen sink (my personal fave). It's a surefire way to keep your 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old, or 4 year old engaged this fall!

Check out all 11 No Mess Fall Toddler Activities You NEED To Try At Home

Check out my Fall Themed Toddler Activities Youtube Video:


  • Bin/sink
  • Water
  • Soap
  • Pumpkins and gords
  • Rag/toothbrush (optional)

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Step 1: Make your bath

Fill either a sink or bin with soapy water, pumpkins, gourds, and “cleaning supplies” like rags, scrub brushes, etc. if you want!

I've done this activity outside and used an under the bed storage bin. I just filled the under the storage bin with water from the hose and added a little soap.

[RELATED] Pumpkin Fine Motor Activity For Toddlers To Do At Home This Halloween Or Fall

But my personal fave is doing this in the kitchen sink. It's my saving grace when trying to get dinner on the table or cleaning up after dinner. I just give my daughter a small bin that goes inside the sink, fill that with soapy water and gouds (video) and she has a blast.

Step 2: Wash your pumpkins and gourds!

Honestly, my daughter had fun just washing the pumpkins and gourds in the soapy water with her hands. But she also enjoys working on using rags and scrub brushes too. Learning to wash dishes, toys, etc. is a practical life skill rooted in montessori methodology that's a great activity to do at home with your toddler!

More Fall Themed Toddler Learning Activities:

Fall Toddler Activity: Contract Paper Tree

Fall Toddler Activity: Montessori Fall Smelling Jars

EASY Thanksgiving Toddler Activity: Turkey Run

EASY No Mess Pumpkin Activity For Toddlers: Sticky Pumpkin

Pumpkin Bath: Easy Toddler Activity For Halloween Or Fall

Pumpkin Fine Motor Activity For Toddlers To Do At Home This Halloween Or Fall

Thanksgiving Toddler Activity: Feed The Turkey

11 No Mess Fall Toddler Activities You NEED To Try At Home

Looking for an EASY toddler activity to do this Halloween or Fall with your toddler? Set up a pumpkin bath for your toddler to stay entertained at home! This is a great montessori inspired toddler activity, rooted in real life skill development.