Currently Watching & Bachelor Week 10 Recap

Millennial blog recaps Girl Meets World, Episode 10 of the Bachelor Nick, Central Intelligence, & Mike & Dave need wedding dates
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Itunes .99 Movie of the week:

ICYMI: Each week Itunes does a .99 rental! You can rent it and “watch now” giving you 24 hours to finish it, or “watch later” giving you 30 days with it. Once you start it though you have 24 hours to finish it!

This week’s movie: Train to Busan. Zombie horror thriller  ? ? ?

*This movie is not free with Amazon Prime, so this is the cheapest way to watch it at this time, if you missed it you can rent it from Amazon Prime here.

TV Show: Girl Meets World.

I finallyyyy started season 3 of Girl Meets World only to find out it's been cancelled! WHY?!?! Seriously, of all the 90s revival shows out there this is by far my favorite (Okay, maybe it's tied with Gilmore Girls)! Unfortunately, it doesn't even look like Netflix will be stepping in to save it ?. Which I really don't understand since Girl Meets World has been SO much better done than Fuller House IMO. Unlike the other 90s revival shows, it's both a stand alone show that if you didn't watch the original it's still really good and not over the top obnoxious, but also has a nod to the past in every single episode.

The show follows Cory and Topanga's daughter, Riley primarily (they also have an adorable and funny son Auggie, just like Cory had his little sister). With cameos from EVERYONE (Feeney, Mr. Turner, Eric, Shawn, Angela, Minkus, EVERYONE)! Basically Riley is “Cory” and her BFF Maya is “Shawn”. Cory has followed in Feeney's footsteps and is a teacher, teaching at his daughter's middle school, and then high school. The show has SO many little treats in there for die hard Boy Meets World fans that it will make your heart singggg while also having you fall in love with the main focus of the show, the new characters. I think that's what made this revival so special, it was about the NEW characters as the main characters, not the old characters.

It's stayed true to the original in a beautiful and artistic way that other 90s revivals haven't because it hasn't kept us locked in the past, but rather shown us how we pass things down generationally and evolve. I cry in almost every episode (happy tears and sad tears depending on the tone). It's such an invaluable show on values and life lessons that I hate to see it go. Not only is the show amazing, but it introduced us to Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter, two amazing young actresses (Sabrina is also a musician) who are bound to do amazing things.  They did give the show a proper ending (I have a few more episodes until I get to the finale) – You can watch ALL of the episodes on Netflix now.


Last weekend E and I watched Central Intelligence starring The Rock and Kevin Hart (on HBO demand). While I found the movie entertaining at points, I was also pretty disappointed. I love these two and had high hopes, but felt like it fell short. Their characters went to high school together and haven't seen each other in 20 years. One works for the CIA, the other has fallen short of what people expected. There's action, comedy, and a little love.

We also watched Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates (also on HBO) starring Zac Efron, Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, and Adam Devine. This was hilarious! I basically love anything Anna Kendrick does if you can't tell by now (but seriously go watch Mr. Nice Guy!!). Mike and Dave need dates to their sisters wedding and take the girls along.

Bachelor Recap:

 I missed last weeks Bachelor Recap because it was my blogiversary and I shared an awesome GIVEAWAY + Lessons I learned my first year blogging!

Episode 9 Recap: RIP #TeamCORN — My girl got sent home and I am super sad and we better see her on Paradise! — It's become obvious to me at this point that Vanessa is the clear winner and I hate everything. Raven's never had an orgasm and Nick looks more than eager to take on the task.

Recap Episode 10:

We start the episode with founding out how things went in the Fantasy Suite for Raven:

After this we follow Raven literally dancing through the streets of Finland celebrating her newfound womanhood!


Next up is Rachel's date.

Honestly this was so frustrating to watch. She seems so clearly like the perfect match for him (but also way to good for him) that I really just don't get WTH goes wrong between these two cuties. Even how she told him she loved him melted my heart. He seemed SO genuinely happy too.


Vanessa's date is last:

Honestly this date seems like something E and I would do… They went from the sauna to an ice plunge and back and forth until the finally settled into the hot tub for the night.

They are the only two whose “hard hitting” conversations are aired. They talk about the logistics of living arrangements and values (and so clearly don't seem to be a good match). Even Nick says he thinks they are too similar and it could go very badly! But despite his insight, we all know Nick makes bad decisions and it's going to take a miracle to get him out of his headstrong ways and not choose Vanessa IMO.

Unlike the other two fantasy dates, where we see the happy smiles the next day, we actually see these two post coitus:

Rose Ceremony:

Nick & America had a good cry when Rachel was sent home. I honestly feel like I would've cried or felt so much more if she wasn't already announced as Bachelorette… I wish they hadn't done that.


Women Tell All:

Unlike a normal “tell all” the show had nothing to do with The Bachelor!! It was ALL about the women.

First off, who the F is this broad??


Secondly, WHYYYY do we NEVER get enough Alexis?? I am 90% positive (based on her Insta) she has been confirmed for BIP so YAY


Thirdly, Liz's redemption moment was basically everything. She went all “I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR” and had myself and everyone on stage in tears. I am SO happy she had this opportunity to show us her true colors rather than looking like a fame hungry psychopath


Fourthly, (is there such a thing as fourthly? or does it just become fourth at that point?) — The Taylor / Corrine situation. I had to keep pausing because I was laughing so hard at Corrine's responses. So while Taylor was looking like this:


Corrine was storming off the stage to grab herself some champagne to get through this nonsense. All of the girls backed Corrine up on how rude Taylor was. While I know we only see a small edited part of the show, I don't think Taylor did herself any favors in her rebuttals. I do feel bad that her negative reputation has impacted her ability to be a counselor (but real talk: a counselor has never gone on this show and come out looking good, so I am not sure what she was expecting?) – but if she knew she needed to do “damage control” going into this, the only responses out of her mouth should have been taking responsibility… She really should've read my post on harmful communication tactics to drop TODAY before appearing.


The only misstep I'll say about Corrine, was how she structured her defense. She kept saying she never said anything bad about Taylor in the house, which led the other women to jump on her — she should said “Until Taylor started talking about me, I didn't talk about her”.

#IDK I am going to stop counting now…

Corrine was basically amazing and brought everyone

and shared some invaluable insight with America


Also in the breaking news front: it appears Corrine will NOT be on Paradise!! She seems to be gunning for her own reality show based on some rumors on the interwebs! If Ben & Lauren got a show, she 10000000% should! She is entertaining as F and they are boring as H.

And then Nick came out and nobody cared.

Haha but seriously, I think Nick did a really good job of not leading anyone on throughout most of the season and was very direct and transparent so I don't think a lot of drama could've come out of the women “confronting” him. Plus I love how he has such a friendship with some of the women. IT's super cute… but if he ends up with Vanessa it will all have to end probably because she seems mad controlling.

Next week is the finale, which means we are that much closer to BIP! Which is really the only reason we watch all this other nonsense!

Looking for more shows to binge this weekend? Grab TCM's checklist of current and classic binge-worthy shows!

63 thoughts on “Currently Watching & Bachelor Week 10 Recap”

  1. I haven’t been watching any tv lately. Will have to catch up with some of these shows.

  2. Victoria Myerscough

    Train to Busan is an excellent film and I laughed at Central Intelligence more than I should have

  3. I was busting up laughing at Raven’s dance scene…were the producers like, “Hey Raven, we need you to dance around since you just had an orgasm, kaythanks.” ??? hahahahaha this show just gives me life!

    Coming Up Roses

  4. I am so glad someone else loves Corrine as much as I did! She is just so fun to watch for some reason. And I did notice how many of the girls stood up for her AND how well she got along with the last girls once she left. I think it was really just her and Taylor that had beef and I’d definitely watch if she gets a show. haa

  5. god that raven montage was so cringe I felt severe second-hand embarrassment watching! I’m still mourning the loss of corinne tbh.

  6. I couldn’t stand watching Raven the next day (insert eye roll emoji). I think Corinne was the only normal one on Women Tell All. Taylor was acting like a nut job and Corinne stayed calm and was the only one making sense. #teamcorn

    1. Agreed!! I hate that Netflix decided not to pick up GMW!! It literally makes NO sense to me! Granted the disney writers did it SO well that I would be a little nervous for other writers to step in…

  7. I just watched mike and dave need wedding dates this week, it was funny but I was kind of expecting more

  8. I’m with you on Girl Meets World. It’s the best revival show and I’m so sad that it’s been canceled. I love that it stands alone so well, but that it also pays homage to Boy Meets World in so many ways. And all the cameos have been fantastic!

    1. Agreed!! I am two episodes away from the finale and don’t want it to end! I literally LOL during so many of the episodes! Apparently Netflix passed on reviving it and the only potential network would be freeform at this point :-

  9. I feel really bad but I never watched any of these shows. It could be as i’m from the UK and these shows are not shown over here. Girl meets World sound interesting. xx

  10. Oh man, the WTA was a hot mess. Everyone was yelling and talking over each other, so I kind of tuned out a bit because I couldn’t keep up. I was happy to see that Kristina was able to question Nick. I think she had very valid questions for him and I think he owed her those answers.
    Katie | Millennial on the Move

  11. Omg I LOVED Mike and Dave need wedding dates. I don’t know what that says about me but I laughed so hard!! I’m a huge fan of Zac Efron and his shenanigans! Have you seen Dirty Grandpa? So WRONG! And hysterical.

  12. Kelsie Kleinmeyer

    Hahaha corinne on women tell all was hilarious. I feel like she will for sure be on Paradise!

  13. Lemme just say that I was pro-Vanessa the majority of the season until the hometown dates! No doubt she’s very sweet and talented but I think that out of the two remaining finalists, I really hope that Nick picks Raven! I am so glad that Rachel is going to be the new bachelorette and I can’t wait to follow her season.

    Also, Corrinne needs that reality show!

  14. YES! YES! YES! This recap is spot on. I totally agree with you about basically everything. Corinne is SO entertaining, and I’d definitely watch her show! haha! Can’t wait for tonight’s finale!

  15. I have not watched Girl Meets World yet. I really wanted to when it first game out and then #lifehappens. We haven’t watched Central Intelligence but we loved Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. Brad loves Anna Kendrick and I love Zac Efron so we pretty much stalk all their movies. The HBO on demand is seriously the best investment!

  16. Jordyn Upchurch

    I wish I had actually watched the Batchelor this year, but I just couldn’t get into it! I have read Shaeffer Told Me To’s recaps of it each week, that’s the only way I’ve kept up!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern And Style

  17. Alissa Carpenter

    I tried so so hard to Watch Girl Meets World! Totally a 90s kids and LOVED the original growing up. I just couldn’t do it but admire your commitment 🙂 If you don’t you totally need to watch Pretty Little Liars

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