185+ Of The Best Baby Smile Quotes For Instagram, Social Media, + Scrapbooks

The little things in life, like the tiny moment you see a baby's face light up, make it all worth it. While a picture is worth a million words, it's also fun to find the right caption for a kids smile. Below you'll discover the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

Best Baby Smiling Quotes

How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy, but these inspirational quotes will hopefully provide the perfect caption!

Cute Baby Smile Quotes

“A baby’s smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped in your arms.” – Unknown”It feels like the heavens are calling for you when a baby smiles at you.” – Unknown

1 “A baby’s smile can make anyone smile even in sad situations” – Iqra Tahir

2. “A baby’s smile is like a rainbow in a clear sky.” – Unknown

3. “A smiling baby is nothing less than having a little bit of living heaven in your arms.” – Unknown

4. “Babies are our smiling and dancing dreams.” – Apollo M.

5. “A kid’s smile is the best credit card in the world. Auto reloads, unlimited usage, and acceptable all over the world.” – Unknown

The little things in life, like the tiny moment you see a baby's face light up, make it all worth it. While a picture is worth a million words, it's also fun to find the right caption for a kids smile. Below you'll discover the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

6. “Always smile back at little children. To ignore them is to destroy their belief that the world is good.” – Pam Brown

7. “An unknown fact: Whenever a baby smiles, angels clap and the moon starts dancing.” – Unknown

8. “The greatest happiness is where baby smiles fill the air.” – Apollo M

9. “The smile of a baby is like a kiss of the soul.” – Unknown

10. “Ah, baby! A smiling angel from heaven who came down to earth to steal our hearts.” – Apollo M.

11. “Kids are the keys to heaven. Make them smile to book your ticket to paradise.” – Unknown

12. “A baby’s smile is a dancing flower of twinkling stars.” – Apollo M.

13. “Happiness is seeing your toothless baby smile.” – Iriss Finn

14. “A baby’s smile spells only four letters: L-O-V-E.” – Unknown

15. “My children are the reason I laugh, smile and want to get up every morning.” – Gena Lee Nolin

The little things in life, like the tiny moment you see a baby's face light up, make it all worth it. While a picture is worth a million words, it's also fun to find the right caption for a kids smile. Discover the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

16. “Is there anything cuter than a baby’s smile?” – Unknown

17. “One can never get tired of looking at the smiling face of a baby.” – Unknown

18. “It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.” – Deepak Chopra

19. “A smile from a child is packaged sunshine and rainbows.” – Unknown

20. “A baby’s smile is undoubtedly the cutest thing I have seen in my life.” – Unknown

21. “The whole universe dances with joy when a baby smiles.” – Apollo M.

22. “Babies understand the language of smiles. I think that speaks a lot for how universal a language happiness is” – Unknown

23. “A baby’s smile is so magical that you barely notice that it is toothless.” – Unknown

24. “There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it’s just by signing an autograph. A child’s smile is worth more than all the money in the world.” – Lionel Messi

25. “Children learn to smile from their parents.”- Shinichi Suzuki

185+ of the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

Adorable Smile Quotes For A Newborn's First Smile

26. “All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.” – Unknown

27. “A child’s smile is the way to the heart of heaven.” – Unknown

28. “It is when you see your own kid’s smile that you realize there are things far more precious than diamonds and jewels.” – Unknown

29. “The purest thing in the world is a baby's smile.” – Unknown

30. “Just when you think you know what love is, your little baby looks up at you and smiles.” – Unknown

31. “Exactly as is a mother’s joy when her baby smiles for the first time into her eyes, so is God’s joy when one of His children turns and prays to Him for the first time, with all his heart!” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

32. “People feel angels are unreal until they see their own baby’s smile.” – Unknown

33. “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki

34. “Nothing is more pure, soulful, and cuter than a little smiling baby.” – Unknown

35. “You just need to see a baby smile to know that there is good in this world.” – Unknown

How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy, but these inspirational quotes will hopefully provide the perfect caption!

36. “The best thing in the world is seeing your baby smile because of you.” – Unknown

37. “People say that nothing is truly pure in the real world. I think they never saw a baby’s smile.” – Unknown

38. “Perfection is a baby’s smile.” – Unknown

39. “The most beautiful thing in the world is a child’s smile. The next best thing? Knowing that you are the reason behind it.” – Unknown.

40. “An unknown fact, whenever a baby smiles, angels clap and moon starts dancing.” – Unknown

41. “Happiness is your baby’s first toothless smile.” – Unknown

42. “The most precious sight in the world is the smile of a child.” – Unknown

43. “The feeling that you get after making a baby smile is the best feeling in the world.” – Unknown

44. “Making a baby smile is the most heavenly experience that one can have.” – Unknown

45. Even if some people are not really good at staring, everybody loves to stare at smiling babies.” – Unknown

How do you describe a baby smile? 185+ of the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

46. “Never forget to smile back at a baby to make sure that he believes that the world is a happy place.” – Unknown

47. “Millions and millions of dollars are never enough to buy a baby’s smile. It’s just priceless.” – Unknown

48. “Every time I see a kid smiling, it reminds me of my childhood and how people loved me when I used to give them a smile just like every other kid.” – Unknown

49. “A child’s smile is like rainbows and sunshine, packaged with a ribbon on top.” – Unknown

50. “Hold on to the tiny moments and cherish all those little smiles. They grow up so fast.” – Unknown

51. “Knowing that you just made a baby smile can give you much more pleasure than everything else together can.” – Unknown

Quotes About A Baby's Laughter

52. “Nothing makes your heart sing louder than a baby laughing.” – Unknown

53. “The most beautiful sight in the world is a smiling baby, and the most precious sound to hear is of a baby’s laugh.” – Unknown

54. “Ever wondered how an angel’s voice sound? Try listening to the sound of a baby’s laughter.” – Unknown

55. “A baby first laughs at the age of four weeks, this is about the time that his eyes focus well enough to see you clearly.” – Unknown

How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy. Discover 185+ of the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

56. “What can a baby’s laughter do? It can cleanse your soul and scatter a smile in your sad heart.” – Unknown

57. “The voice of an angel can be heard in a baby’s laugh.” – Unknown

58. “If one feels the need of something grand, something infinite, something that makes one feel aware of God, one need not go far to find it. I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.” – Vincent van Gogh

59. “The best feeling in the world is watching your own baby break into laughter.” – Unknown

60. “When the babies laugh, it comes all the way from way down in their toes. So I figure there must be something pretty special hidden down there.” – Debora Geary

61. “When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be.” – James Matthew Barrie (Peter Pan)

62. “Baby smile for me and make me feel like I am floating in heaven with your laughter” – Unknown

63. “I think the most beautiful sound is a child laughing.” – David Thewlis

64. “The most precious sight, the smile of a child. The most precious sound, a child’s laughter.” – Unknown

65. “Babies are for bouncing and for jouncing on your knee. For charming you, disarming you, and giggling with glee.” – Unknown

Discover 185+ of the best baby smile quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters. How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy.

66. “My fingers are tickled to delight by the soft ripple of a baby’s laugh…” – Helen Keller

67. “You know there’s nothing like seeing the smile on my kids’ faces. Laughing together. Playing. It’s the best.” – Mark Wahlberg.

68. “With giggles from a waterfall and breezes passing by, God made a baby’s laughter and a tiny, sleepy sigh.” – Unknown

69. “Bring a baby to any grown-up – even the gruffest or most inhibited – and watch what happens. Without exception, they will do something to try and make the baby laugh. Psychologists, anthropologists, and other experts have theories about why this is so. For me it’s enough to believe that whenever a baby laughs, our humanity is somehow exalted.” – Jack Moore

70. “I think one of my favorite things is listening to my baby laugh and realizing halfway through how much I love them and their existence.” – Unknown

71. “Babies laughing is like opium.” – Neil Patrick Harris

Power Of A Baby's Smile

72. “If you are sad, hold a baby. Their little smile will heal all your pain.” – Unknown

73. “Your little baby’s smile fills the gap in your heart which you never realize was empty.” – Unknown

74. “A baby’s smile makes a house shine without sun.” – Unknown

75. “It’s the smile of a baby that gives us the power to overcome obstacles and makes us fall in love with life.” – Apollo M.

185+ of the very best baby smiling quotes

76. “A baby’s smile in the evening can turn your stressful day into a Sunday in heaven.” – Unknown

77. “A smile is a language that every baby understands.” – Unknown

78. “One can resist everything in the world except the smile of a baby.” – Unknown

79. “When you can see kids smiling, that’s one of the best things.” – James McAvoy.

80. “No medicine in this world can replace my kid’s smile.” – Franklin Raj.

81. “The smile of a child expands the universe.” – Charles de Leusse

82. “A baby’s smile can give you power… enough to even struggle through tears.” – Unknown

83. “Whenever you feel down in your life, just look upon a baby’s smile, it will really help you regain hope.” – Unknown

84. “A baby’s smile stops the world and calms the soul like nothing else.” – Unknown

85. “One can never get tired of looking at the smiling face of a baby” – Unknown

Discover 185+ of the best baby smiling quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters. How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy.

86. “A baby’s smile is the best medicine for boredom and stress.” – Apollo M.

87. “The smile of a baby is priceless and can teach you to find happiness.” – Unknown

88. “A baby’s smile has the power to heal all the wounds of its parents.” – Unknown

89. “Sometimes all it takes is your little baby smiling back at you.” – Unknown

90. “A baby’s smile is so powerful that it can make you forget all your troubles in the world.” – Unknown

91. “No one can resist the smile of a baby.” – Unknown

92. “A baby smiling at you is a beautiful reason to be happy.” – Unknown

93. “When they finally place the baby in your arms and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.” – Unknown

94. “A baby’s smile will always find a way to furnish sunshine in your life.” – Unknown

95. “You can learn to be happy from a kid’s smile and how he is curious about each and every little thing around him.” – Unknown

How do you describe a baby smile? Words and sayings may not capture the heart touching moment of an innocent smile from your precious baby girl or boy. 
 Discover 185+ of the best baby smiling quotes for Instagram, scrapbooks, cards, or letters.

96. “A baby’s smile is like the sunshine, it brightens up your day.” – Gift Gugu Mona

97. “Babies can impress anyone with an innocent smile. What’s your superpower?” – Unknown

98. “A baby’s smile is truly powerful. It can move the people with the hardest of hearts, and makes the toughest mothers soften theirs.” – Unknown

99. “Making a baby smile is the most heavenly experience that one can have on earth.” – Unknown

100. “A day where you witness at least one baby’s smile is always a day well spent.” – Unknown

101. “When you come home and you see your baby smile the feeling of being tired just goes away.” – Unknown

102. “A baby’s smile is a language that can melt anyone’s heart.” – Unknown

103. “Kids laugh around 400 times a day which is too much more than enough to brighten up the day of every single human being on this earth.” – Unknown

104. “A baby’s smile is the quickest known thing to make a person feel happy.” – Unknown

105. “To be smiled at by a child is like stepping out of the shade into the sun; it warms you through.” – Unknown

A complete list of the best baby smiling quotes for priceless baby smiles

106. “A baby’s smile is the antidote to melt your stress away.” – Unknown

107. “If a baby’s smile was a sword in the fight for the most beautiful thing in the world, it would have always emerged victorious against all other kinds of beauty in the world.” – Unknown

108. “A baby’s smile melts the heart and calms the soul.” – Unknown

109. “Life would have been tragic without smiling babies.” – Unknown

110. “A baby’s smile teaches us to be happy without reasons.” – Unknown

111. “Even the darkest of the days needs only a baby’s smile to brighten up.” – Unknown

Sweet Innocent Baby Smile

111. “It is a moment of pure ecstasy and satisfaction when you see a smile flicker on baby’s lips, just as they gently pass into a deep slumber.” – Unknown

112. “Babies smile in their sleep because they're listening to the whispering of angels.” – Unknown

113. “The most peaceful scene in the world is always a baby’s smile.” – Unknown

114. “A baby’s smile is just like an uncut diamond, perfectly shaped without any interference from the cruelties of the world.” – Unknown

115. “Nothing is more pure, innocent, or as sweet as a little smiling baby.” – Unknown

The ultimate list of 185+ baby smile quotes for instagram, social media, and scrapbooks

116. “A baby is an innocent charm, all in a cute and tiny package.” – Unknown

117. “I want my child to be as happy as can be so that he would just be smiling all the time, really.” – Unknown

118. “Pure happiness is found in nothing but in the innocent smile of a baby.” – Unknown

119. “A baby’s cry is heaven’s anguish, but their smile is heaven’s joy.” – Unknown

120. “There is nothing quite so beautiful, nothing so sweet, nothing so sacred and nothing as attractive as a baby’s smile.” – Apollo M.

121. “A child’s smile is the heart of heaven.” – Unknown

122. “Babies smile without any reason. Be like a baby.” – Debasish Mridha

123. “A baby’s smile is a gift from God.” – Unknown

124. “The joy and smile of even one child is worth more than the prancing intellects of a thousand men.” – Bryant McGill

125. “There’s nothing more pure than an innocent child’s smile. It’s just so radiant with unadulterated happiness.” – Unknown

The ultimate list of 185+ baby smiling quotes for instagram, social media, and scrapbooks

126. “A baby’s smile is probably a glimpse of what heaven might feel like.” – Unknown

127. “Peace is a child’s beautiful smile and a flower’s freshness. Peace is an inner perception of joyfulness and happiness.” – Debasish Mridha, M.D.

128. “A kid’s smile is a reflection of beauty and joy.” – Unknown

129. “If you want to see pure kindness in today’s world, go see a smiling baby.” – Unknown

130. “Every memory is precious. It is more precious when it is a memory of a baby’s smile.” – Debasish Mridha

131. “A smile of a baby never discriminates.” – Unknown

132. “No-one can resist the smile of baby.” – Unknown

133. “We cannot help but smile at them and watch them smile back.” – Madeleine M. Kunin.

134. “I think the first time baby recognizes me and smiles is going to be one of the most amazing times of my life, to be honest.” – Greg Rutherford.

135. “A smile of a baby is like the kiss of a soul.” – Unknown

Over 185+ baby smile quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more!

136. “When your baby smiles at you with their whole body, it’s enough to make me fall down.” – Billy Burke.

137. “There is nothing to match the innocent smile of a baby showing its toothless gums.” – Unknown

138. “The happiness of parents lies in the innocent smile of their children.” – Unknown

139. “A kid’s smile is the purest thing in the world. It’s just so bright and unadulterated.” – Unknown

140. “The smile that flickers on a baby’s lips when he sleeps – does anybody know where it was born? Yes, there is a rumor that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born…” – Rabindranath Tagore

Baby Smile Quotes for Mother

141. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” – Rajneesh

142. “A mother can give everything she has for an innocent smile of her kid.” – Unknown

143. I finally felt it. Love. A rush of love… She gave her very first smile to me because I’m her person now.” – Becky Wade

144. “True love is nothing but what a mother feels when her baby smiles at her.” – Unknown

145. “There is nothing sweeter in the world for a mother than the smell of her baby’s breath, happy coos, and gentle kisses.” – Unknown

The very best baby smile quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more!

146. “A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother’s love.” – Thomas Chandler Haliburton

147. “It’s no wonder how mothers are so protective of their babies. One smile was all it took for me to understand and feel just the same.” – Unknown

148. If I could give my daughters one piece of advice, I would tell them to make the most of the first times – their first kiss, their first date, their first love, the first smile of their first child… There can only be one.” – Michael Robotham

149. “A smile from my child reminds me how rewarding motherhood is.” – Unknown

150. “The most beautiful moment is when a baby smiles at her mother.” – Unknown

Best Baby Girl Smile Quotes

151. “A baby girl’s smile is like a flower which blooms for the rest of its life.” – Unknown

152. “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – William Shakespeare

153. “No matter what the moment, a baby girl will always render sunshine in your life with her adorable smile.” – Unknown

154. “She is the exclamation point in the happiest sentence I could ever write.” – Unknown

155. “I know a girl whose smile makes my world colorful, she is my baby daughter.” – Unknown

A COMPLETE list of the best baby smile quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more!

156. “Seeing the innocent smile of your baby girl is the perfect medicine to get rid of the feeling of being tired when you come home after work.” – Unknown

157. “Baby girls are precious gifts like birds and brooks and streams…their hair is tied up with ribbons and bows…their hearts are tied up with dreams.” – Jyoti Arora.

158. “A little baby girl is like a miracle who never fails to be miraculous.” – Unknown

159. “A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” – Laurel Atherton.

The ultimate list of best baby smile quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more!

160. “Sometimes when I am waiting for a miracle, my baby girl passes me a smile and I realize that I have already created a miracle.” – Unknown

161. “Nobody in the world including the most grumpy old grandpas can help themselves but smile back when a baby girl smiles at them.” – Unknown

162. “A toddling little girl is a centre of common feeling which makes the most dissimilar people understand each other.” – George Eliot

163. “There is no better feeling than watching your baby girl break into laughter.” – Unknown

164. “Of all the things that I have ever held in my hands, a smiling baby girl is the most precious and beautiful.” – Unknown

165. “No matter how you have been living your life in the past but once you have a baby girl, it’s only her smile that anchors your life.” – John Paul Perez de Leon

The very best baby smiling quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more!

166. “Is there any way you look in a baby girl’s eye and not smile? The innocence, purity, and smile of babies are what keeps the world going.” – Unknown

167. “A little baby girl is a source of perpetual happiness for her parents.” – Unknown

168. “The world doesn’t revolve around me anymore. Now it’s all about this little baby. I come home after a rough day, I see her and she smiles and nothing but that matters.” – Michael Easton

169. “Little girls dance their way into your heart, whirling on the tips of angel wings, scattering gold dust & kisses in our paths.” – Unknown

Best Baby Boy Smiling Quotes

170. “If I have a monument in this world, it is my son.” – Maya Angelou

171. “No joys on earth brings greater pleasure than a little boy to love and treasure.” – Unknown

172. “The most important mark I will leave on this world is my son.” – Sarah Shahi

173. “Such a big miracle in such a little baby boy smile.” – Unknown

174. “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” – Tanya Masse

175. “Hold him a little longer, rock him a little more. Read him another story, you’ve already read him four. Let him sleep on your shoulder, rejoice in his happy smile, he is only a little boy for such a little while.” – Unknown

The ultimate list of the best baby smiling quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more complete with adorable and priceless sayings!

176. “A baby boy arrives, and just like that, everything changes. The world gets bigger, hearts grow fuller, and life means more because he’s in it.” – Unknown

177. “There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart.” – Washington Irving

178. “Little baby boys seem just like little superheroes in disguise whenever they put on a smile.” – Unknown

179. “Sons are born to make their fathers better men.” – Mekael Shane

180. “Because I loved him so and am in the habit of loving him and that love must take the form of fussing and worry and doing.” – George Saunders

181. “Have a little faith in your sons. This journey will be the making of them.” – C.J. Milbrandt

182. “Who needs to travel the whole world when I can see my whole world in my kid’s eyes when he smiles because of me?” – Unknown

185+ of the best baby smiling quotes for instagram captions, social media,  scrapbooks, and more complete with adorable and priceless sayings!

183. “Tiny fingers, tiny toes. Little itty bitty clothes. Teddy bears and smiles of joy. Oh! my gosh its a little boy.” – Unknown

184. “His little hands stole my heart, and his little feet ran away with it.” – Bobby Michael

185. “Little boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older.” – James Matthew Barrie (Peter Pan)

Final thoughts

From famous quotes about a baby smile to priceless smile quotes, we hope you found the perfect works to caption your social media post or analog documentation of your sweet baby's smile!