014: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Millennial with Shaman Durek

ancient wisdom for the modern millennial with shaman durek, shaman healing and journey, spirituality quotes, #spiritualityquotes, #shaman, #shamanism

I am so grateful to have recently had the opportunity to share my home with today’s guest, Shaman Durek! Eric and I start the show by sharing how Shaman Durek came into our lives and is now our beloved friend and teacher. Afterwards Shaman Durek comes for a deep, spiritual, and transformative conversation. There’s a lot of really actionable and valuable advice for building your own spiritual practice packed into this episode, with more to come next week!!

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In This Conversation We Cover:

  • My case of Shamaninic fever
  • Feeling the need to meet Shaman Durek
  • Our one-on-one sessions with the Shaman
  • Shaman hugs!
  • Shaman bootcamp & healing
  • The science behind Shaman Durek’s work
  • What shamanism and the role of a shaman really is (without the woo woo)
  • Shaman Durek’s life story
  • The human malfunction in thinking

You can also find me as a guest on Shaman Durek’s new podcast, Ancient Wisdom Today, which is absolutely the best way to get your Shamanic fix, wherever you are, every single week!

Quotes / Tweetables from Shaman Durek

22:25 [click_to_tweet tweet=”A #shaman is a mediator; one who’s here to bridge the gap between the spirit world and the physical world in a way that’s accessible and without the nonsense – without the woo-woo.” quote=”A shaman is a mediator; one who’s here to bridge the gap between the spirit world and the physical world in a way that’s accessible and without the nonsense – without the woo-woo.”]

23:02 [click_to_tweet tweet=”‘#Shamans really give you a different point of structure to be able to navigate your life in an easier and more effective way, and by doing that we put the power back in your own hands.' via @shamandurek” quote=”Shamans really give you a different point of structure to be able to navigate your life in an easier and more effective way, and by doing that we put the power back in your own hands.”]

34:10 [click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Every point in my life was happening all at once… and then there was just immense love that came over me.' Ancient Wisdom with @shamandurek in this #millennialpodcast episode –> ” quote=”Every point in my life was happening all at once… and then there was just immense love that came over me.”]

54:45 [click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Just because you’re in pain, you don’t have to go around being nasty to people.' #shamanbombs from @shamandurek in this #millennialpodcast episode; LISTEN –>” quote=”Just because you’re in pain, you don’t have to go around being nasty to people.”]


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