Day In The Life With A 6 Month Old As A Work From Home Mom | DITL Vlog

day in the life with a 6 month old baby work from home mom, ditl and schedule with six month old baby girl, sleep and feeding routine for baby led weaning and sensory play while breastfeeding, #ditl, #6monthold, #sixmonthold, #babygirl, #babyschedule, #babyroutine

Sharing a day in the life (DITL) with our six month old daughter as a work from home mom! In this video I'm sharing updates on what the transition to solids has been like (it's been rough, including tears while going to the bathroom!), things that have been working for us and not working for us, her rash/eczema update, and our updated schedule/routine! 






Munchkin spill proof cup


High chair

High chair tray

Lovevery play mat and play kits

Stand up activity center

Ring light


Weleda baby

Baby dove

Grey/white potty

Hatch changing pad/scale

Numnum gootensil

Updated 6 Month old daily schedule:

7:30 wake up and nurse

8:30 solid (oatmeal with breastmilk and prune juice)

9:00 nap

10:30 wake up

11:30 nurse

12:00 nap

2:00 wake up (this wake up time is HIGHLY variable, she usually just hangs out. She never gets up before 1:30, but will be perfectly content hanging by herself until we get her at 3 like in today’s video)

3:30 nurse

4:00 nap (sometimes 4:30 if she stayed down longer)

5:00-5:30 wake up – we never let her sleep past 5:40 for this nap

6:00 solid meal

7:00 nurse

7:30 bed

This is a rough schedule, everything typically happens within a 30 minute range of it though, but we never put her down for the day past 7:30. We aim for 7:15 depending on how everything else is going. We found that putting her on a fixed nap schedule really helped her. 


So Reagan developed a rash around 1 month old and some eczema. It's been a long journey and we still don't have answers. We originally were using my beloved Weleda products on her, but our pediatrician had us switch to Baby Dove and Aquaphor. After 3 months of things initially getting better, then kind of staying the same/worsening at points, I ditched the Aquaphor and now rotate between Baby Dove and Weleda. It seems like if I keep her skin confused, it does best. 

How I'm managing her skin on the bath front:

We dropped baths down to 3 nights a week, which didn't seem to help. We were doing bleach baths ( a quarter cap full of bleach three times a week) which helped a lot, and then baths 2 more nights a week. After dropping the 2 non-bleach baths, her skin took a turn for the worse, so I decided to keep the bleach baths, and increase the freq back to 5-6 nights a week, but make at least two of those oatmeal baths or a breast milk bath. This seems to REALLY be helping.

With the introduction of solids, we've been going very slowly. Only one new food a week so we can see if there are any changes in her skin. She seemed to have a reaction to latex on her forearm where a pile of it got glommed on (but no reaction on her lips). We researched it and discovered latex allergies in kids so we think it might be that (we had a latex yoga mat she used to play on for tummy time, and her entire trunk broke out in a rash from it). We are going to the pediatrician for her 7 month appointment (we split her shots) and asking for the non-latex vaccines and seeing how things go with this new knowledge. 

Other fun things with starting solids: baby poop.

Yep, so we didn't follow any sort of “portion” guide – I forgot to get the paper at our pediatrician's office. Instead I figured she'd just tell us when she wanted more – and she did. Only problem, I totally forgot the with new foods, means new bacteria needs to develop in her gut. So her first time eating sweet potato, she literally ate an entire small sweet potato and struggled for the next 10 days to poop (you'll see in video). She cried for about 3 minutes and our doctor said to add prune juice to her diet. Other friends recommended a probiotic (which we are actually going to add in the future for her skin stuff I think, so I'll keep you posted!), and we decided to add peas to her diet which seem to help more than the prune juice. The discomfort only lasted about a week and a half, but it FREAKED me out (which is the reason why I included it in the video, the video was one of the last days she had discomfort, YAY!). 

Check out past DITL's:

Day In The Life Of A Work From Home Mom With A Two Month Old

Day In The Life With A 4 Month Old | Away From Home ALL Day For The First Time!


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